Friday, February 24, 2012

Moments that take your breath away

Adriana for over a year tried to convince me to let her have her long Beautiful hair cut short. This was a reoccurring argument, until the first week of August. It was her first week of First Grade she came to me with a valid argument. She said " Mom I'm going to donate my hair, to me my hair is nothing but trouble and tangles but some sick girl would Love to have it." As I looked at my defiant little girl with her hands on her hips, I realized there was no way to argue with that! So that very day we went and she had about 12 inches cut off and donated through locks of love to St. Louis Childrens hospital. Months went by and I quickly grew to love her short cut. Two weeks after Thanksgiving I received an e-mail from a stranger. She stated her Daughther had received the wig made from Adriana's hair. Her daughther Anna Lee had been diagnosed and battling Leukemia for the past 18 months. She is since in remission and the day before Thanks-giving and her 7th Birthday she had received the wig. The mother thanked us for the hair and wanted us to know she was returning to school after Christmas and was excited for her friends to see her with hair. As I read this e-mail I had the good kind of goosebumps. Adriana Lee and Anna Lee share the same Birthday they were both born within 30 minutes of each other on November 24, 2004. They were both named after their Grandmothers and both have brothers who are ten. I can't imagine the struggles that Anna and her mother have endured over the last two years. But it puts some perspective on our petty fights over hair! Since November our girls have became pen pals, and we plan on metting Anna and her family this Spring. I am very proud of Adriana she is very caring and I have no doubt she will continue to make sacrifices for others over her lifetime!

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