Thursday, January 20, 2011

Little Boys have Beauty mishaps too!

As I mentioned before I'm not big on appearances and never have been but when it comes to my kids it's a different story. When Zach was 8 months old he was beginning to walk and fell and busted his lip. I took him to the base hospital and I not him cried like a baby as they gave him six stitches. I called his dad hysterical our little boy was going to be scarred for life. A fellow Marine brought Ronnie home that night he walked up to the door and said, "Maam chicks dig scars". I was speechless as I looked up at this Marine who had a big scar down his face. He smiled then walked a way. I realized the little scar above Zach's lip wouldn't define him. And it's a good thing I realized that early because in the few years following he had two more sets of stitches, a chipped front tooth, and I don't know how many black eyes and facial bruises. When he was four I had been dating David for a few months but hadn't had him around the kids. I decided one night to have him over and watch a movie with them. Zach had been eating popcorn so he went to wash his greasy hands. I peeked in on him and then went back to the living room. A few minutes later he came in and said "Mom where is the other hair gel?" Before I could answer he said "Oh and I cut my hair but don't worry I didn't cut myself".  In only a few short minutes he had cut a triangle out of the front of his hair all the way to the skin and had a nasty glob of hair gel in the back. And as David shaved Zach's head I again had tears but yet laughed at the same time. Oh the joy of little boys he has always kept me busy from son up to son down!

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