Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Little girls and Makeup

I've never understood the fascination of makeup. I do wear it occasionally but never a ton. It doesn't bother me to go to the store without it or even go weeks without ever opening my make up bag. But some girls can't live without it and most girls experiment with it all the time. I think every girl has had a bad makeup experience a foundation that looks orange, a mascara that runs down the face even though it says waterproof, Lipstick that is clumpy. Well Miss Adriana had a bad experience young. When she was three a friend of ours watched her for the day. Miss T. has a son so she was excited to have a girls day with Adriana. They went shopping and she took her to the kids makeup section and told her she could pick anything she wanted. Adriana picked a dollar tube of lip gloss and was so proud of it. She carried it in her pocket for several days it was her first actual lip gloss and she applied it several times a day. She went to my parents one night and had left it in the floor. My dad accidently stepped on and broke the beloved gloss. he felt so bad that he went that night and upgraded her little tube to a trunk full of makeup. She was so happy and quickly forgot about that little tube. That night I picked her and her trunk up and went home. I was in the shower and she said mom this gloss isn't the same. I opened the shower door and there she was with finger nail polish on her lips and eyes! Oh no I quickly realized I should have given her a makeup lesson. I grabbed her and put her in the shower trying to scrub the polish off her face. She had a hot pink tint on her eyes until it wore off. I packed up that trunk and put it in a safe place. But she continues to love her lip gloss she always has a tube. This year I was dropping her off at Kindergarten and Zach said mom i can tell Adriana has a boyfriend. We both looked at him and asked why. He said well she put on lip gloss so she could kiss a boy at school. Disgusted she looked at him and replied Bubba if I was going to kiss a boy I wouldn't waste my lip gloss! I have a feeling we will have plenty of makeup mishaps and fights in our future!  The picture above was taken a couple of days after the incident if you notice her right eye still has finger nail polish eye liner!

1 comment:

  1. i love this one. its one of my fav adri stories, though i have several. :) i love you all!
